Why is Gonorrhea Called the Clap?[1]

為什麼淋病被稱為「the Clap


Gonorrhea, sometimes called the clap or the drip, is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that affects both women and men. Gonorrhea has been around as early as the 1500’s and there are many theories as to the origin of the slang terms: the clap and the drip.

淋病有時被稱為白濁,在英文中也被稱為the clap」,是一種影響女性和男性的性傳播疾病(STD)。早在16世紀左右淋病就已經存在了,而關於這些俗稱(the clap」和白濁)的起源有許多理論。


Why is it called the Clap?

為什麼它被稱為the Clap

Gonorrhea has been called the clap for potentially hundreds of years. Slang terms for STDs are often common due to the social stigma around talking about them. Many other slang terms exist for other STDs such as chlamydia (the clam), AIDS (Hi-Five), pubic lice (crabs), etc. Usually based on the name of the disease itself or on an iconic aspect of the disease, these slang terms are persuasive in our culture and language around STDs. Gonorrhea is unique in that the slang term, the clap, does not have a known origin. The truth is that there is not a consensus as it why it is called that, but there are a few interesting theories.

淋病被稱為「the clap」可能已經長達數百年了。因為社會對談論性病有偏見與誤解,因此通常會以俗稱代稱各種性病。對於其他性病也存有許多其他俗稱,例如披衣菌(the clam)、愛滋病(Hi-Five)、陰蝨(crabs)等。通常這些俗稱都是基於疾病本身的名稱或疾病標誌性的特徵而來,這些俗稱在我們性病的文化和語言中有著其邏輯與說服力[1]。淋病卻是不同的,它的俗稱「the clap」沒有已知的起源。事實是,對於為何它會被這樣稱呼,目前沒有達成一個共識,但是卻有一些有趣的理論。

First, the origin could come from old English, as the word “clappan” was used to describe a beating or throbbing. This could refer to the painful, burning urination or swelling in the penis or vagina caused by gonorrhea. Second, a number of people believe that the name stems from a proposed treatment during medieval times of “clapping” the penis or slamming the penis between both hands (or a hard surface) to get rid of the discharge/pus and thus the infection. This theory has most likely gained popularity due to its disgusting nature. Finally, in the 1500’s, “clapier” was an old French word for brothel. The use of the clap then would have referred to the location where the disease most easily spread, a brothel. In French, the disease then became known as “clapier bubo” meaning an infection of the penis resulting from a visit to a brothel.

首先,它的起源可能是來自於古英語中的「clappan」一詞,用於指稱跳動或抽痛。這可能指的是由淋病所引起的排尿時的疼痛灼熱感或是陰莖或陰道的腫脹。其次,許多人認為該名稱源於中世紀時期對淋病的一種建議治療方法,「拍打」陰莖或者用雙手(或硬板)來回猛拍陰莖以去除分泌物/膿,進而去除感染。由於這個噁心的特質,使這一個理論最有可能受到歡迎。最後,在16世紀時,「clapier」是古法語單字中的妓院。「the clap」的說法可能就是指這個疾病最容易散播的地方,也就是妓院。在法語中,這種疾病隨後被稱為「clapier bubo」,意思是因造訪妓院而導致的陰莖感染。

There are also a few theories that come from more modern times. During the early 1900’s, GIs often were infected with gonorrhea during the World Wars. It was sometimes said that they had “the collapse,” which was shortened and transformed into the clap. A 1918 Medical journal is cited as referring to “Gonorrhea clap” as well as calling it the “running range,” but does not describe why the name exists.

還有一些更為當代的理論。在20世紀初期,美國大兵經常在世界大戰期間感染淋病。有時會說他們有「the collapse(崩潰)」,之後被縮減並轉變為「the clap」。還有一個是在1918年的醫學期刊中被引用來稱作「Gonorrhea clap」,也稱其為「奔跑的範圍」,但是卻沒有描述該名稱存在的原因。


Why is Gonorrhea Called the Drip?


Gonorrhea is also sometimes called the drip. The slang term is much less common than its counterpart, the clap, and refers from the most common symptom of gonorrhea: the discharge of pus from the penis or vagina. Similarly, the drip can sometimes refer to just the symptom, a symptom very common with other STDs, particularly chlamydia. This leads people to ask, “why is chlamydia called the clap? Is chlamydia the clap? What STD is the clap?” The answer is no. The clap refers to gonorrhea; however, given their similar symptoms and that the two STDs can happen simultaneously, it is obvious how there is confusion.

淋病有時也被稱為白濁。這個俗稱與其相同的「the clap」相比,並不常見,而它所指的是淋病最常見的症狀:從陰莖或陰道分泌出的膿。同樣地,白濁有時候也可以只代表這個在其他性病中相當常見的症狀,特別是披衣菌。這也會讓大家問說: 「為什麼披衣菌被稱為『the clap』?披衣菌是『the clap』嗎?『the clap』是什麼性病?」答案是錯的。「the clap」是指淋病;但是,由於它們有著類似的症狀,而且兩種性病有可能會同時出現,因此,很明顯地會讓人產生混亂。


How to Diagnose the Clap STD


Gonorrhea can be diagnosed by several different laboratory tests. They can either use a urine sample to test for the bacteria or a cotton swab from the infected area. The gonorrhea test most often uses a swab from the cervix for women and the urethra for men, but can also include a swab of the anus or other potentially infected areas. This swab is used for a culture or antigen for testing, both of which can identify if gonorrhea is present. A doctor may also conduct a physical exam to examine symptoms and check for other STDs. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are very similar, so it is important to test for both to ensure you receive the right treatment. A doctor may ask:


  • How often do you have unprotected sex?


  • Do you a new partner or multiple sexual partners?


  • Do you exhibit any symptoms like discharge, pelvic pain, or pain when urinating?


These questions can be used to determine if you have a STD, and answering yes increases the likelihood that you may have contracted one. Getting tested for a STD can be scary and intimidating, but remember you are taking charge of your health and can have peace of mind knowing if you do or do not have a STD and what you can do about it.



How to Treat the Clap


Many people just want to know how can you get rid of gonorrhea. Since gonorrhea is caused by a bacterial infection, gonorrhea treatment is a regimen of oral antibiotics. Some strains of gonorrhea in the US have become antibiotic resistant, sometimes called “super gonorrhea”. Therefore, a medical physician will decide on the best course of antibiotics with some of the commonly recommended ones being: ceftriaxone, cefixime, doxycycline, or azithromycin (the brand name is Zithromax). The infection should clear after one to two weeks. You should never stop taking antibiotics until the recommended course is finished, even if you think the infection has cleared or you are feeling better. If you do not finish the antibiotics, the infection can come back and be resistant to the antibiotics you were taking. Additionally, since antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria are already more common, if your symptoms continue after a few days of taking antibiotics, consult your doctor. They may switch you to a different strain of antibiotics.


Is gonorrhea curable? Yes, gonorrhea is curable by taking the appropriate medication as directed; however, repeat infections are common. You and your sexual partner(s) should always be tested after three months of completing treatment, especially if you are unsure whether your partner(s) received treatment.


You and your sexual partner(s) should not have sex again until treatment is complete. You should wait at least one week after completing a prescribed single dose medication. You should finish all doses if you are prescribed a seven-day treatment. In some cases, the infection may still be present, so you should wait until you and your partner(s) are sure the disease is no longer present.



Side Effects of the Clap


Because gonorrhea can have no symptoms, some people go untreated. Even with those who have symptoms, stigma, access, or other reasons get in the way of getting medical attention. Not receiving prompt and proper treatment can create serious health problems. If you suspect you or your partner may have a STD, you should get tested immediately to avoid these side effects, such as infertility, chronic pain, ectopic pregnancy, blood or joint infection, and others.



How to Prevent the STD the Clap


Because gonorrhea is a STD, the only 100% effective way to not contract the disease is to not have oral, anal, or vaginal sex. If you are sexually active, however, there are a few things you can do to reduce the risk:


  • Limit the number of sexual partners - Have yourself and your partner get tested before having oral, vaginal, or anal sex and remain monogamous to better ensure you are not exposed. The more partners you have at any given time, the more likelihood of contracting gonorrhea or any other STD.

限制性伴侶的數量: 在進行口交、陰道性交或肛交之前,讓你自己和你的伴侶接受檢查,並保持一對一的關係,來確保你不會暴露在性病的威脅之下。無論何時,擁有的伴侶越多,患有淋病或其他任何性病的可能性就越大。

  • Use condoms - Use condoms as directed every time to help reduce the risk, but condoms are not 100% effective in eliminating the risk.

使用保險套: 每次都能使用保險套來幫助降低風險,但是保險套在排除風險上並非100%有效。

  • Get tested regularly  Since having a history of STDs increases your likelihood of contracting another, getting tested regularly helps limit exposure.

定期接受檢查: 有過性病會增加你與他人感染的可能,所以定期接受檢查能有助於減少暴露的風險。

  • Avoid douching  Douche or douching refers to washing out the vagina either with an at-home mix of water and vinegar or using a purchased product that can include antiseptics and fragrances. Between 20% and 40% of women aged 15 to 44 in the US use a douche and believe it helps clean and freshen their vagina as well as avoid getting a STD or pregnancy. Health experts agree that douching is both not effective and increases your risk of a STD or other health problems.

避免灌洗: 灌洗是指使用家中水和醋的混合物或是使用販售包括消毒劑和香料成分的商品來沖洗陰道。美國15歲至44歲的女性中有20%到40%的人會使用灌洗液,並認為它能有助於清潔和清新她們的陰道,以及避免性病或懷孕。健康專家們則認為,灌洗既無效又會增加性病或其他健康問題的風險。

Should any of these symptoms arise or if you suspect you may have a STD, it is very important to get tested. Even if you have no symptoms as can happen with gonorrhea, you should be getting tested regularly, so you do not unknowingly spread the disease.



[2] 指的是美國文化,上方提到的三種性病俗稱不完全與中文的文化相同,因此此這都保留原文。

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