Understanding Type 2 Diabetes (2)



Medications for type 2 diabetes


In some cases, lifestyle changes are enough to keep type 2 diabetes under control. If not, there are several medications that may help. Some of these medications are:


  • metformin, which can lower your blood sugar levels and improve how your body responds to insulin
  • 二甲雙胍:可以降低血糖水平,改善身體對胰島素的反應
  • sulfonylureas, which help your body make more insulin
  • 硫醯基尿素類:能讓身體產生更多的胰島素
  • meglitinides or glinides, which are fast-acting, short-duration medications that stimulate your pancreas to release more insulin
  • 美格替耐類美格替耐類類似物:一種能夠快速生效且藥效短的藥物,它可以刺激胰臟釋出更多胰島素
  • thiazolidinediones, which make your body more sensitive to insulin
  • 噻唑烷二酮類(TZDs):能使身體對胰島素更加敏感
  • dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, which are milder medications that help reduce blood sugar levels
  • 二肽基肽酶-4抑製劑(DPP-4 inhibitors):一種較為溫和且有助於降低血糖水平的藥物
  • glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, which slow digestion and improve blood sugar levels
  • 類升糖素胜肽-1受體促效劑(GLP-1 agonists):能夠減緩消化速度並改善血糖水平
  • sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors, which help prevent the kidneys from reabsorbing sugar into the blood and sending it out in your urine
  • -葡萄糖共同轉運蛋白-2抑製劑(SGLT-2 inhibitors):有助於防止腎臟重新吸收糖分進入血液並將糖分經由尿液排出

Each of these medications can cause side effects. It may take some time to find the best medication or combination of medications to treat your diabetes.


If your blood pressure or cholesterol levels are a problem, you may need medications to address those needs as well.


If your body can’t make enough insulin, you may need insulin therapy. You may only need a long-acting injection you can take at night or you may need to take insulin several times per day.



Type 2 diabetes in children


Type 2 diabetes in children is a growing problem. According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 208,000 Americans under age 20 have diabetes.


The reasons for this are complex, but risk factors include:


  • being overweight, or having a body mass index above the 85th percentile
  • 體重超重,或者身體質量指數(BMI)的常態分布高於85%區段
  • having a birth weight of 9 pounds or more
  • 出生體重9(4公斤)以上
  • being born to a mother who had diabetes while she was pregnant
  • 生母於懷孕期間患有糖尿病
  • having a close family member with type 2 diabetes
  • 血親患有第二型糖尿病
  • having a sedentary lifestyle
  • 久坐不動的生活方式
  • being American Indian, Alaska Native, African-American, Asian-American, Latino, or Pacific Islander
  • 美洲印第安人、阿拉斯加原住民、非裔美國人、亞裔美國人、拉丁裔或太平洋島民

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes in children include:


  • excessive thirst      極度口渴
  • excessive hunger極度飢餓
  • increased urination排尿增加
  • sores that are slow to heal潰瘍癒合緩慢
  • frequent infections經常被感染
  • fatigue感到疲勞
  • blurry vision視力模糊
  • areas of darkened skin身體某些部位變黑(黑棘皮病)

See your child’s doctor immediately if your child has symptoms of diabetes. Untreated diabetes can lead to serious and even life-threatening complications.


A random blood sugar test may reveal high blood sugar levels. A hemoglobin A1C test can provide more information about average blood sugar levels over a few months. Your child may also need a fasting blood sugar test.


If your child’s doctor diagnoses them with diabetes, your doctor will need to determine if it’s type 1 or type 2 before suggesting a specific treatment.


You can help lower your child’s risk by encouraging them to eat well and to be physically active every day.



Risk factors for type 2 diabetes


We may not understand the exact causes of type 2 diabetes, but we do know that certain factors can put you at increased risk.


Certain factors are out of your control:


  • Your risk is greater if you have a brother, sister, or parent who has type 2 diabetes.
  • 如果你的父母或兄弟姊妹患有第二型糖尿病,你的風險會比其他人還要大。
  • You can develop type 2 diabetes at any age, but your risk increases as you get older. Your risk is particularly high after age 45.
  • 無論任何年齡,都有可能罹患第二型糖尿病,但是隨著年齡的增長,風險也會跟著增加。45歲以後的風險特別高。
  • African-Americans, Latinos, Asian-Americans, and American Indians are at higher risk than Caucasians.
  • 非裔美國人、拉丁裔、亞裔美國人和美洲印第安人的風險高於白人。
  • Women who have a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome are at increased risk.
  • 患有多囊性卵巢症候群的女性,患有第二型糖尿病的風險會增加。

You may be able to change these factors:


  • Being overweight means that you have more fatty tissue, which makes your cells more resistant to insulin. Extra fat in the abdomen increases your risk more than extra fat in the hips and thighs.
  • 體重超重表示脂肪組織比一般人還要多,使細胞對胰島素的抵抗增加。腹部多餘的脂肪比臀部和大腿多餘的脂肪所增加的風險更高。
  • Your risk increases if you have a sedentary lifestyle. Regular exercise uses up glucose and helps your cells respond better to insulin.
  • 久坐不動的生活方式會使風險增加。規律運動能消耗葡萄糖,並幫助細胞對胰島素產生更好的反應。
  • Eating a lot of junk foods or eating too much wreaks havoc on your blood glucose levels.
  • 吃太多垃圾食品或吃得過飽會嚴重破壞血糖水平。

You’re also at increased risk if you’ve had gestational diabetes or if you have prediabetes, two conditions caused by elevated glucose levels.



Tips for how to prevent type 2 diabetes


You can’t always prevent type 2 diabetes. There’s nothing you can do about your genetics, ethnicity, or age.


If you have prediabetes or other diabetes risk factors and even if you don’t, a few lifestyle tweaks can help delay or even prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. These changes in diet, exercise, and weight management work together to help keep your blood sugar levels within the ideal range all day long:



Your diet should be high in nutrient-rich carbohydrates and fiber. You also need heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids from certain kinds of fish and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Dairy products should be low in fat. It’s not only what you eat, but also how much you eat that matters. You should be careful about portion sizes and try to eat meals at about the same time every day.

飲食上應該多吃富含營養的碳水化合物和纖維,也要攝取魚類中對心臟有益的omega -3脂肪酸以及單元不飽和脂肪和多元不飽和脂肪。乳製品的話,應該選擇低脂肪的產品。飲食的問題不僅僅是關於吃了些什麼,更是吃了多少有營養的東西,還得注意份量的大小,並且盡量每天在同一個時間點吃飯。


Type 2 diabetes is associated with inactivity. Getting 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day can improve your overall health. Try to add in extra movement throughout the day, too.


Weight management體重控管

You’re more likely to develop type 2 diabetes if you’re overweight. Eating a healthy, balanced diet and getting daily exercise should help you keep your weight under control. If those changes aren’t working, your doctor can make some recommendations for losing weight safely.


    英翻中 醫學 糖尿病
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