Is Any Topic Off Limits When You Write for Teenagers? Maybe Just One



A persistent question for those of us who write young adult literature is, What are we not allowed to do or say when writing for teenagers?


I usually answer with an anecdote about a near-crisis at my publisher nine years ago, regarding a single use of the F-word in my second novel (the F-word remained). Now, I say, we are long past that worry. A writer can go as dark and violent as it gets (see “The Hunger Games”). Sex is more than fine (see all of B. T. Gottfred’s giddy, explicit novels). Graphic, instructive, erotic, romantic, disappointing: Bring it all on! Even better, current Y.A. novels now have many L.G.B.T.Q. protagonists (see Meredith Russo’s “If I Was Your Girl”), which was not the case even 10 years ago. Now, I say, the sky is the limit.


But reader, I lie.


Religion. Religion is the last taboo.


Yes, there exist Y.A. novels that contend with religion or spirituality in some way — not a lot, but some. Francisco X. Stork’s “Marcelo in the Real World” has one of the best conversations about sex and religion I’ve ever encountered. Marcelo is deeply curious about God, and regularly talks to a rabbi about his religious questions.


I think Alex Sanchez’s beautiful, smart “The God Box,” about a gay teenager who comes out at a high school in a conservative Christian community, should be required reading for young people (my college students agree). Deborah Heiligman’s “Intentions” focuses on sex abuse in a Jewish community, and Brendan Kiely’s moving “The Gospel of Winter” does the same in the Catholic tradition. And we’ve come a long way from 2007, when “Does My Head Look Big in This,” by Randa Abdel-Fattah, a wonderful book, introduced the rare Muslim teenage character to American readers.


Fuller treatments of religion in recent Y.A. have come in Julie Berry’s “The Passion of Dolssa” and Laura Amy Schlitz’s “The Hired Girl” — but both are historical fiction, set in bygone eras. Religion and spirituality still feel off limits within Y.A. set in the present.


The source of this feeling of mine — that a Y.A. writer had best stay away from the topic of faith — is elusive, a kind of vapor that began swirling around me a decade ago when I wrote my first Y.A. novel, “The Possibilities of Sainthood,” about a Catholic girl who longs to become the first living saint, followed by “This Gorgeous Game,” about a young woman struggling with her faith amid the Catholic abuse scandal.


In the years after those first two books I found myself going underground. I wrote stories about losing a parent, about a young gymnast who gets her first gold medal and an ice skater who makes it to the Olympics; even a science fiction trilogy that takes up the perils and possibilities of new technology. Being too overt about religion in a Y.A. novel seemed a mistake, maybe even an act of self-sabotage — unless one is writing about cults or lampooning religion à la Pete Hautman’s “Godless.”


While I used to say that I have a Ph.D. in religious studies, I started referring instead to my dissertation topic, postmodern French feminist philosophy. That way, no one would assume I was conservative, antisex and intolerant. To be known as a person of faith, especially of the Christian, Catholic variety, I noticed, was to cause a kind of allergic reaction, to provoke suspicion and distrust.


Of course, it’s for all the right reasons that talk of religion in the mainstream Y.A. publishing world makes people nervous. We worry someone might be trying to convert or indoctrinate teenagers; we resist preachiness about certain moral perspectives. Religions and religious people have done and still do reprehensible things in our world, to women, to children, to some of the people I care most deeply about.


Calls for censorship of novels for children and young adults typically arise from religiously affiliated quarters; Harry Potter has been banned because of fears of witchcraft, and His Dark Materials has been banned because Philip Pullman is an outspoken atheist.

而為兒童和青少年進行小說審查的呼籲通常都來自宗教附屬區; 《哈利波特》被禁是因為害怕巫術,《黑暗元素》被禁是因為作者菲力普·普曼是一個直言不諱的無神論者。

Talk of religion makes me twitchy for all those reasons, and because I am feminist, liberal, pro-L.G.B.T.Q. Religion can make me enraged, dismayed, disgusted.


And yet, it is a part of me. Maybe one of the best parts.


I see it in the big questions (the bigger the better) that percolate in my brain, that drive my curiosity into a thrilling frenzy, and in the playful, at times comedic, cultural trappings of my Italian-Portuguese immigrant family. I was the kid — and still am the adult — who wanted to know why we are here, if there is a God, what it means to live a good life.


In my yearning to widen my knowledge of religious experience and ideas, I studied saints, mystics, philosophers, writers on a search for spiritual enlightenment. The Catholic tradition of my youth can be reprehensible, blind, maddening, even criminal, and it also can be rich, complex, beautiful and justice-oriented.


Religion and spiritual questions are forces — powerful ones — in the lives of so many Y.A. readers. While there’s been an increase in young people who profess no religious affiliation (about 30 percent claim the “none” label, with L.G.B.T.Q. young adults twice as likely to identify this way), many more respond positively when asked if they consider themselves “spiritual” to some degree. Several studies, including the longitudinal National Study of Youth and Religion, and one of my own from 2008 that involved college students, have clocked American young adult interest in broad ideas about spirituality and God at about 80 percent.


As a frequent speaker on college campuses, I can confirm that while young adults may be more skeptical about traditional religion, their hunger for a more inclusive, nontraditional spirituality is a constant. I find that even atheists tend to perk up when discussing the possibilities and freedoms a more open, forgiving spirituality might bring to their lives.


Yet few Y.A. protagonists identify with a particular faith tradition, or claim spirituality as something of interest. Even fewer pray occasionally, or attend services with their families, or wonder about God, or struggle with doubt and faith alongside the rest of the things they do — play sports, go to school, fall in love, have sex, come out. One study from 2013 found that nearly 90 percent of protagonists in award-winning and best-selling Y.A. titles claim no religious or spiritual identity whatsoever. That does not align with the real lives of American teenagers.


To ignore religion in Y.A. cedes the entire conversation about religion and spirituality, and all that it stands for, to exactly the kind of intolerant voices that Y.A. publishing has fought so hard against. Teenage readers search for themselves in books. The world of Y.A. is an activist one — an ideal sphere in which to interrupt the toxic religion-speak and attitudes that dominate our politics and culture at the moment, and to model the kind of spiritual longing so many young adults harbor, often secretly. Like me, they learn to be ashamed of it.


Just recently something has changed for me. Writing my latest novel, I found myself going back to those topics and themes, that hunger to explore faith, doubt, spiritual longing — despite the equally powerful alarm bells ringing inside me about doing just this. I couldn’t help myself. As I once more took up the big questions of religion, I was writing the stories of my heart.


I’m still nervous, but I’m trying to remember the big audience out there of young adults who share my need. And as all teenagers come to know, sometimes what seems like breaking the rules is the only way to be true to ourselves.



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