Can the Brain Itself Feel Pain?[1]


There are no pain receptors in the brain itself. But the meninges (coverings around the brain), periosteum (coverings on the bones), and the scalp all have pain receptors. Surgery can be done on the brain and technically the brain does not feel that pain.


With that said, the brain is the tool we use to detect pain. Let’s say you’re on the beach and you step on a sharp shell. Special pain receptors in your skin activate whenever there has been an injury, or even a potential injury, such as breaking the skin or causing a large indentation. Now, an impulse is heading through the nerve into the spinal cord, and eventually all the way to your brain. This happens within fractions of a second.


Your spinal cord is a complex array of nerves, transmitting all kinds of signals to and from the brain at any given time. The spinal cord is also in charge of your reflexes. The brain does not have to tell your foot to move away from the shell, because the spinal cord has already sent that message. The pain signal continues to the brain. This is because pain involves more than a simple stimulus and response. Your brain needs to make sense of what has happened. Pain gets catalogued in your brain’s library, and emotions become associated with stepping on that shell. When the pain signal reaches the brain it goes to the thalamus, which directs it to a few different areas for interpretations. Some areas in the cortex figure out where the pain came from and compare it to other kinds of pain with which is it familiar. Was it sharp? Did it hurt more than stepping on a tack? Have you ever stepped on a shell before, and if so was more or less painful?

脊髓排列著複雜的神經,隨時將各種訊號傳遞進出大腦。脊髓也掌管著反射動作。不必由大腦告訴你的腳要遠離貝殼,因為脊髓已經發出了那個訊息。疼痛訊號會延續到大腦。這是因為疼痛不僅僅是單純的刺激和反應而已。大腦需要弄清楚到底發生了什麼事。疼痛會在大腦的資料庫中被記錄下來,情緒也會和踩到貝殼這件事聯結再一起。當疼痛訊號到達大腦時,會進入視丘,由視丘將其引導到幾個不同的區域進行詮釋。皮質中的一些區域會找出疼痛的來源,並將這股疼痛與其熟悉的其他類型疼痛進行比較。踩到的東西是尖的嗎?比踩到圖釘還要痛嗎?以前有踩到過貝殼嗎?若有過的話,是更痛呢? 還是沒那麼痛呢?

Signals are also sent from the thalamus to the limbic system, which is the emotional center of the brain. Feelings are associated with every sensation you encounter, and each feeling generates a response. For example, your heart rate may increase, and you may break out into a sweat.



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