LGBTQIA Safe Sex Guide[1]




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     This creation story comes from the Yoruba people of Nigeria, Togo and Benin. In the religion of the Yoruba, the supreme being is Olorun, and assisting Olorun are a number of heavenly entities called orishas. This story was written down by David A. Anderson/ Sankofa, who learned it from his father, who learned it from his mother, and so on back through the Yoruba people and through time.

這個創世故事來自於奈及利亞、多哥和貝南約魯巴人。在約魯巴的宗教中,最高的存在是奧羅倫,而幫助奧羅倫的是一群被稱為奧里沙神聖實體。這個故事是由David A. Anderson /桑科法從他父親那裡知道後寫下來的,他父親則是從自己的母親那裡知道的,以此類推,追溯到約魯巴人的過去和追溯到時間。

The Golden Chain[1]


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    This Babylonian story of creation comes largely from the Enuma Elish and the Astrahasis, which appear to have been written between 1900 and 1500 BC, perhaps during the time of the Babylonian King Hammurabi. The tablets of both are broken and incomplete. At the end of the story here, the details of the creation of humans are supplemented with material from fragments of later writings. The latter may date as late as the 500's BC, but their consistency with the earlier Enuma Elish suggests that they tell the same story. The main actor in these tablets is Marduk, the most powerful of the Babylonian gods. Like most Babylonian gods, he has many names, and elsewhere he is sometimes known as Bel.


Marduk Creates the World from the Spoils of Battle[1]


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      This story comes from the Hopi people of northern Arizona. "Hopi" means "People of Peace". The stories here were recorded in the 1950s by Oswald White Bear Fredericks and his wife Naomi from the storytelling of older Hopi at the village of Oraibi, which tree-ring dating indicates has been inhabited by the Hopi since at least 1150 AD.

      這個故事來自於亞利桑那州北部的霍比人。「霍比」的意思是「和平之人」。這些故事於1950年代時期由Oswald White Bear Fredericks和他的妻子Naomi所記錄,這些是他們從奧萊比村莊說書的老霍比人那裡聽來的故事。從樹的年輪來推算,霍比人至少從西元1150年開始就已經居住在這個村莊裡。

The Four Creations[1]


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West Coast Marine Mammal Survey Spots Unusual Whales, Dolphins, Turtles and Seabirds[1]


Marine Mammal and Turtle Division, 11/1/2014 01:08:51 PM

海洋哺乳動物與海龜科,11/1/2014 01:08:51 PM

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Why is Gonorrhea Called the Clap?[1]

為什麼淋病被稱為「the Clap


Gonorrhea, sometimes called the clap or the drip, is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) that affects both women and men. Gonorrhea has been around as early as the 1500’s and there are many theories as to the origin of the slang terms: the clap and the drip.

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Feasibility of cardiac diffusion-weighted MR imaging in acute myocarditis: a pilot study[1]




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Understanding Depression 



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      This story is condensed from five very detailed stories told by the Jicarilla Apaches. The Jicarilla are one of six tribes of the Apaches of the southwestern U.S., and they have a voluminous folklore. These stories were compiled and translated by Morris Opler in the 1930's. In addition to telling the story of the creation and emergence and explaining the world, the stories reflect the Jicarilla disregard for the shamans found in some other Native American religions, and they reflect the sacredness of fours in every thing and every behavior.

      這是一個從吉卡里拉阿帕契人所講述的五個非常詳細的故事中所濃縮而來的故事。吉卡里拉屬於美國西南部阿帕契族六個部落之一,他們流傳著大量的民間故事。這些故事在1930年代由Morris Opler所編纂和翻譯。除了講述創世與起源的故事以及解釋世界之外,這些故事反映了吉卡里拉無視一些其他美洲原住民宗教中的巫師,而它們也反映出在每件事和每種行為上對「四」感到神聖。

The Creation and the Emergence

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STDs and pregnancy


It’s possible for pregnant women to transmit STDs to the fetus during pregnancy or newborn during childbirth. In newborns, STDs can cause complications. In some cases, they can be life-threatening.

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